The Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS) is a national platform that unites 45 non-governmental organizations to work for the sustainability of society and sustainable global development. LAPAS was founded on August 12, 2004. Since 31 October 2019, LAPAS has been the secretariat of the National Multistakeholder Coalition for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.
By working together and taking action, we are making this world safer and more sustainable. Global crises mark a constant path of change, in which human responsibility, the resilience of communities and the involvement of civil society organizations play a critical role.
LAPAS is a development platform that connects people, communities and organizations, different industries and sectors for sustainability.
Operational dimensions
- Locally, LAPAS strengthens the resilience of local communities through professional support and positive experiences.
- Nationally, LAPAS identifies and represents people’s interests for sustainable development and public sustainability by developing cross-sectoral cooperation with public administration, parliament, local governments, the private and academic sector and other civil society organizations.
- Globally, LAPAS represents national interests for balanced policy coordination and transfers knowledge and experience to other countries, participates in the work of international organizations.