Meeting the candidates for EP elections
16. April, 2024

Approaching the European Parliament elections, association “Latvijas Platform for Development Cooperation” (LAPAS) will invite the candidates for parliament to meetings.
Starting from April 23 to May 17 LAPAS interns Sara Berruti and Giorgia Cafarelli will contact first two candidates to European Elections in major parties to discuss the points of the pledge and cooperation points of the MPs in policy areas that will promote building a fairer and more inclusive society in a sustainable world. The meetings summary will be sent to CONCORD Europe and published on LAPAS social networks in Latvian and English.
We invite MEP candidates to read the CONCORD’s messages for the 2024 EP elections, as well as to sign the MEPs’ pledge!
- CONCORD’s main messages for the 2024 European Parliament elections (in Latvian, in English)
- Invitation to MEP candidates (in English)
The meetings with MP candidates will take place within the framework of the CONCORD Europe campaign before the European Parliament elections. Read more about the campaign here.