Global citizenship education

Today’s global challenges affect everyone and are interconnected, so addressing them requires coordinated and systematic cooperation between different stakeholders. Global education is an important aspect of information, awareness-raising, education and development, as it develops an in-depth understanding of global, national, local processes, issues and their interactions, and develops global civic competences and global civic participation.

It helps to understand the problems of less developed countries, their connection with Latvia, as well as promotes responsible action and decision-making. It is an active learning process based on solidarity, equality, inclusion and cooperation. Global education is based on human rights and democracy, a sense of belonging to one’s community, country, Europe and the world.

Global education is important both in formal education - at all levels of education (pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher) and in all types of education (general, vocational and academic) - and in non-formal education - educational activities organized outside interests and demand.

Global education is a cornerstone in raising public awareness, planning for sustainable development and building global partnerships.

Global education consists of global competences, which can be most successfully developed by engaging or participating in processes based on inclusion, cooperation, solidarity and equality. They characterize expertise and permeate both professional activity and everyday life, determine actions in situations related to the global or world context and help to understand it. Therefore, global competence is essential to living a dignified life in a time of uncertainty, challenge and change.

Each year since 2014, Global Education Week is held with dozens of events in the regions, thematic film months, the newspaper “World’s Best News” is published, discussions and conferences are organized, further education courses, methodological and informative materials are developed. Several international projects have been implemented, in which LAPAS has been both a partner and a leading organization. LAPAS members and partners, especially in the region, play an important role in the implementation of global education and the development of the field.

Since 2004 LAPAS cooperates with the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO, the North-South Center and other international institutions in the implementation of global education.