Baltic regional seminar on global education “Out of the box: Global education within holistic everyday realities” (2014)
27. maijs, 2014

On May 12-13, 2014 Baltic regional seminar „Out of the box: Global education within holistic everyday realities” was held. It aimed to encourage global education Civil Society Organisation experts from Europe, Baltics and developing countries to move out of boxes reflecting about contested ideas and being inspired for transformative activities.
The title of the seminar „Out of the box: Global education within holistic everyday realities” invites us to look above our instant environments and find holistic everyday realities that teach us to connect, care and nurture. Informal engagement in community life in this seminar represents an approach to translate global issues into our everyday language. Wanderings in contexts of space and time will help us to discover that roots give strength to wings, courage to efforts, and inspiration to visions.
The theme of the seminar – family farming – was an invitation to envision our Baltic space as family garden that should be cultivated. It encourages us to treat our global education activities as nurturing and farming for hopeful Baltic and global futures.
The seminar was supported by North-South Centre of the Council of Europe and organized by Baltic partners - Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS) represented by Humana People to People in Latvia and Latvian Association of University Lecturers for Cooperation in Education (LACE), People to People Estonia, Lithuanian Children’s and Youth Centre, and Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania.
Photo: LAPAS archives. Participants of panel discussion planted and put seeds for future developments in global education. Name tags are of organsations in panel discussion.